All Vectors Questions Q1 - Q10
Lessons Mon & Tue:
Revision of:
Lesson Objective:
To be able to solve a pair of linear simultaneous equations.
Lesson Objectives:
To be able to:
Lesson Objective:
To be able to solve quadratic equations by using the quadratic formula.
Home Support: TheMathsTeacher HA7
Lesson Objective:
To be able to solve quadratic equations with a single x2 term by factorising.
Home Support: TheMathsTeacher HA2
We will review Mock Paper 2.
Lesson Objectives:
To be able to problem solve with volumes and surface areas of:
Lesson Objectives:
To be able to calculate the volume of:
Mock Set 1 Paper 2 Exam Paper
Lesson Objective:
To be able to access Pinpoint to record exam scores and generate personalised revision resources.
Lesson Objective (from Monday):
To be able to rearrange formulae.
Home Support: themathsteacher HA5 Rearranging Formulae
Mock Set 1 Paper 1 Exam Paper
For test tomorrow review:
Mixed Number Arithmetic
Recurring Decimals
Area of Compound Shapes
Lesson Objectives:
To be able to:
Lesson Objectives:
To be able to:
Lesson Objectives:
To be able to:
A mixed lesson - some indices revision to help with weekly homework worksheet and further work with similar triangles.
Lesson Objective:
To be able to calculate unknown sides when given similar triangles.
Lesson Objective:
To be able to solve problems based on compound measures.
Work through Exercise 22.1A
Lesson Objectives:
To be able to:
Lesson Objectives:
To be able to:
Recap of linear equations to help with weekly worksheet.
Lesson Objectives:
To be able to:
Lesson Objective:
To be able to problem solve with particular reference to cyclic quadrilaterals.
Here is the GCSE Higher Tier Scheme of Work for both Year 10 and Year 11.
Though the cover page mentions 2015 and 2016, the scheme is up to date for 2017.
Lesson Objectives:
To be able to:
After Wednesday's introduction to the circle you should have explored the Geogebra circle theorem animations and printed off the circle theorem summary.
Year 11 Parents' Evening will be on Thursday 11 January 2018.
Your finalised exam dates for next summer are as follows:
Paper 1 Non-calculator Thursday 24 May am
Paper 2 Calculator Thursday 7 June am
Paper 3 Calculator Tuesday 12 June am
Each paper lasts 1 hour 30 minutes and is marked out of 80.
For tomorrow please complete the three questions you copied from the boards.
For Friday 6 October, please complete this Rearranging Formulae exercise and self mark from the solutions provided.
For next Monday 25 September, please complete and hand in Rules of Indices
Please complete the first 4 questions from Exercise 22.1A for next Tuesday 19 September.
The questions have been scanned and emailed to you in a class email.
Please print off and complete Linear Equations 1 for Monday 18 September.
For most of this term you will have a weekly worksheet to complete and hand in on a Monday. I will mark and return it to you the following Friday.
For Monday 11 September, please complete the 12 circle problems you were working on in class. A scan of them has been emailed to you.
You had the opportunity to watch these videos last September. However, I believe you need to watch them more than once to take all the advice on board.
Professor Stephen Chew is a cognitive psychologist from Samford University, Birmingham, Alabama. In 2011, he recorded five short videos (each 5 - 9 minutes long) to help students become more effective learners. They contain a whole range of dos and don'ts together with practical suggestions you can adopt to improve your learning. Below are direct links to each video. As an alternative you can log on to Youtube and type in 'Stephen Chew'
How to get the most out of studying (Part 1) (6:54)
How to get the most out of studying (Part 2) (7:15)
How to get the most out of studying (Part 3) (5:46)